SPACE+SPATIAL Industry Growth Roadmap | Towards 2030 Sun, 30 May 2021 06:26:03 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 Turning environmental monitoring into management Sun, 09 May 2021 12:33:10 +0000


The current paradigm for earth observation systems involves data collection to monitor ecological/ environment systems with data analysis informing decision makers on actions that may deliver certain outcomes. Moving to a management focused approach requires access to a wider range of data with better data governance, coupled with advanced analytics/machine learning techniques for sense-making and greater use of spatial digital twins. The key is to develop phenomena-specific systems purposely designed to respond to (societal, environmental and economic) pressures to produce the highly valuable information products that end users ideally want, rather than just creating more low value data. This will enable the introduction of prognostic/ predictive capabilities supporting better, more timely decision making and intervention. It includes identifying what technology developments and investments is required to enable this evolved approach. Critical priority issues include responding to the effects of global climate change, urbanization, population growth and building a circular economy model (including reducing system wastage).

Fundamental and essential environmental information is required for citizens and communities to make decisions. One example is monitoring beach water quality which is affected by a number of factors including storm water run-off. Monitoring the water quality of vulnerable beaches improves government and community planning and decision-making processes.

To turn environmental monitoring into environmental management and help with the decision- making process, a multidisciplinary data collaboration is needed to collect and integrate diverse types of datasets from many organisations, often where data is acquired and used in silos with respect to data collection, management, analysis and dissemination. The Victorian State of the Environment 2018 Report, which is an environmental report card that measures the health of Victoria’s environment, has identified a similar trend. The Report has recommended that the Victorian government develops their spatial information capability and database to inform decision-making across the environment portfolio. Similarly, in the Australian Space Agency report on the role of space-based earth observations to support planning, response and recovery from bushfires, they have also identified the need for an easy-to-use directory of satellite imagery for use by all stakeholders including emergency management for better use of earth observation data.

Systemic integration of spatial datasets from various jurisdictions and fields will provide insights that can lead to smarter decisions and the construction of more comprehensive strategies. Advanced computing power, cloud computing and big data analytics such as artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies can demonstrate how faster and better, decision making can be done Australian Energy Market Operator CEO, Audrey Zibelman reflected on ‘‘What I have learned in Australia is how important advanced computing and the application of artificial intelligence (AI)and machine learning is to our industry to navigate to greater electrification of the economy and a diverse, decarbonised power system.’’ (AFR 1/10/20)


Identified opportunities relate to technology and while land and land use planning are traditional domains for the spatial industry, in terms of application of spatial to environmental monitoring and management, the opportunity is vast from application to bays, waterways, marine and coastal environments to air quality management and green-house gas reduction by decarbonization of the energy and transport systems for example.

  • Data governance, accountabilities and a systematic approach to data management for spatial data collection, integration, storage and ongoing management across government and portfolio agencies. Currently, there is limited accountability for data management and integration from multi-agencies and the requirement to maintain high-quality datasets that lead to enabling sophisticated analyses. Data governance should be established and clearly articulate roles and responsibilities for relevant agencies.
  • Long-term earth observation information: Various satellites have different temporal scales with varying levels of image resolutions. Integration of data from those satellites to create decades of information for various environmental themes with analytic applications such as machine learning will be highly useful for environmental management and decision-making processes. One example is Landsat Surface Reflectance statistics for land cover mapping developed by DEA. For example Victorian government use these statistics to map the dynamic changes in land cover through time in Victoria (from 1985 to present). They model land cover across Victoria, including native vegetation (herbaceous, woody and wetlands), intensive agriculture and recreation, forestry and the built environment, including urban areas. Time-series of spatial optical data have demonstrated high capacity for characterisation of environmental phenomena, describing trends as well as discrete change events.
  • Higher accuracy positioning systems: SBAS is currently in development in Australia and New Zealand and expected to be operational in 5-10 years. SBAS can improve positioning accuracy from a meter level to a centimeter level. This has very strong implications for enhancing environmental and disaster preparedness and management and protecting life and assets – environmental and physical infrastructure – as well as for industries such as forestry and quarries where accuracy is key to ensure boundary management and species protection during operations to maintain a social license to operate.
  • Measuring three-dimensional structure of Australian forests using satellite: Currently, three- dimensional mapping of forest structure has been performed by LiDAR technology using aircraft. This mapping exercise is important for forest biomass and structure monitoring, leading to enabling a solid estimation of time-series forest carbon storage from the ground. However, this is time-consuming and labor intensive. Satellites harnessed with LiDAR technology will provide a significant impact on responding to the effects of global climate change. In 2018, NASA launched two sensors into space that will play a prominent role in monitoring forest biomass and structure over the next decade: the Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) now attached to the International Space Station, and the Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2).These two satellites, which in combination provide complete coverage of the planet, are equipped with LiDAR sensors that record forest structure in 3D, contributing to an ongoing wave of large-scale forest ecosystem measurements. This technology also has the potential to monitor climate impacted environments such as coastal settlements – to manage coastal inundation and erosion due to sea level rise and storms from climate change.


1. Ongoing- and cross-agency collaboration across industry and governments is key to improving spatial information capability and datasets to inform decision-making across the environment portfolios of government/s. In addition, data governance and clearly defining accountability for data collection, storage, management and integration across agencies could provide a systematic approach to ensure high quality data capture to empower analytic methods such as artificial intelligence and machine learning.

2. It is important that end users of spatial technology are regularly informed of megatrends in spatial technologies so current information and understanding can be applied to their land and environmental monitoring, management and decision-making processes and diminish the barriers to adopting new technologies for sustainable environment management.

Diversity & Inclusion across the space & spatial communities Sun, 09 May 2021 12:29:06 +0000


The space and spatial sectors are facing a shortage of talent in Australia. In the space sector, the Australian Space Agency is responding with the goal of creating 20,000 new jobs by 2030, whereas the spatial sector has several dedicated initiatives to increase the pipeline of professionals: in the spatial sector it is estimated that by 2025, there will be a shortfall of approximately 1,300 graduate or licensed surveyors and 300 geospatial specialists with university degrees. Looking at the sector make up, the spatial sector is currently male dominated, with only one quarter of the spatial workforce being female and with significant pay gaps between men and women. More broadly, there is limited evidence of cultural diversity, indigenous employment, or people with disability in the sector. Data for the nascent Australian space sector is scarce, however envisaged to be similar to the spatial sector, as skilled space professionals emerge primarily from STEM fields.


For the space and spatial sectors to be able to sustainably grow, innovate and deliver leading and useful research in the coming years, a diverse workforce will be needed. This will include diversity of background – starting with gender – but also diversity of thinking approaches.

Peak bodies in both the space and spatial sector are strongly advocating for this change and making progress, either individually (e.g. Australian Space Agency having reached 50/50 gender balance) or in a coordinated fashion (e.g. the Space, Spatial and Surveying Diversity Leadership Network). For those efforts to be maximised and leveraged, coordination across both sectors is paramount and would result in increased benefits.


1. Establish a coordinating diversity and inclusion (D&I) group for the space, spatial and surveying sectors with the mandate to leverage, amplify and expand existing successful D&I initiatives and actions plans at sector level. The group should have representation from the peak bodies of each sector, and include a working party resourced to benchmark, monitor and report on the state of D&I in the sector on a regular basis.

Space & spatial governance arrangements, incl. disaster response Sun, 09 May 2021 12:28:45 +0000


Climate change is the great challenge our time. In Australia it is causing devasting fires on a scale never before seen with predictions of much worse to come. Other natural disasters are expected to increase in frequency and intensity including droughts, cyclones, extreme storms and massive coastal inundation putting lives, livelihoods, ecosystems and critical infrastructure at grave risk over the coming century. These are occurring over increasingly greater areas. The role of space and spatial systems in providing monitoring capabilities and supporting forecasting, planning, and recovery operations will be vital.

So what more can be done, that has not already been identified to deploy space and spatial capabilities to greater effect in the effort to deal with disasters?


The Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements found that better national coordination in response to natural hazards is needed. A series of recommendations supporting better decision making involve data management as applied to spatial data.

“Australian, state and territory governments should explore the feasibility and practicalities of developing and maintaining nationally consistent assessments and projections of the frequency, intensity and spatial distribution of natural hazards in Australia.”

The source of much of this data is earth observation satellites owned and operated by non-Australian entities . Submissions from every state and territory as well as the Bureau of Meteorology, CSIRO and Emergency Management Australia stated that improved data capabilities from sensors, including satellite-based sensors, was required [page 116 of report].

The report noted that recommendations for nationally consistent data for disaster information has been a recurring theme in reviews and enquiries since at least 2002.


The development of a nationally coordinated approach to the use of space and spatial capabilities is becoming an increasingly high priority.

1. Australia should consider the development and implementation of a national capability plan to exploit advanced satellite enabled communications and IoT connectivity technologies that augment current systems, especially through the ability to provide short notice emergency connectivity and the rapid restoration of medium-term communications during the response and recovery phases of a natural disaster.

2. Australia should consider investing in nationally coordinated and consistent approach to data management, data fusion and analytics systems with the objective of building the equivalent of an Australian Disaster Resiliency Digital Twin. This development could support the development of optimized and sovereign solutions to gaps in national capabilities for real- time data fusion and analytics. The outcome would be a national asset that supports more effective land management, planning, emergency response and recovery across the nation.

Resilient & extreme reliability connectivity for safety of life Sun, 09 May 2021 12:01:55 +0000


The Cospas-Sarsat system has been operational for almost 40 years providing a global distress system to support and enhance search and rescue operations. The service is provided through a treaty-based, intergovernmental organisation with 45 signatories. Australian representation is through the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) within the Department for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications. AMSA manages ground stations for the system in QLD and WA with a Mission Control Centre in the ACT.

The first-generation service was supported by a number of Low Earth Orbit satellites (LEOSAR) and geo-stationary satellites (GEOSAR) and supporting ground stations around the world. The second-generation system is currently deploying hosted payloads on a range of GNSS satellites in Medium Earth Orbit (MEOSAR) which will improve system performance, both in geo-location accuracy and latency of emergency beacon activation detection.

The Cospas-Sarsat systems uses a single 100kHz worldwide spectrum allocation at 406 MHz to support maritime, aviation and land-based search and rescue for safety of life.

Current limitations and issues with the current system include:

  • Low powered beacon (user segment) combined with current satellite design severely limits communications performance, particularly during an emergency. Very little useful information content can be exchanged during the emergency.
  • False alarms can result in unnecessary search and rescue operations that are expensive and high-risk to emergency and military personnel
  • Beacon life and reliability can be uncertain
  • Location accuracy can be poor – first generation systems provide a 1km CEP and second- generation systems offer 150m without access to GNSS. This inaccuracy limits applications
  • High cost – low production quantities and beacon design result in higher cost per unit limiting market potential.
  • Regional uptake is low – currently the USA and Australia represent the bulk of global ownership of beacons
  • No integration – the beacon design limits the ability for value-added integration with contemporary personal devices such as smart watches, smart phones.


Australian expertise in reliable, power and bandwidth efficient satellite communication is contributing to new thinking about this legacy search and rescue system. The intent is to develop a new satellite communications protocols for a third-generation system featuring increased capacity, greater service reliability, two-way connectivity and improved location estimation.

There are opportunities to explore utilisation of emerging Australian technology through existing Cospas-Sarsat infrastructure and extension to new satellite developments and safety of life for space exploration, in partnership with the Australian Space Agency and NASA.

For example, it was recently announced that Australian research into advanced search and rescue technologies would contribute to the NASA Artemis LunaNet architecture .
Future phases of the SmartSat CRC collaboration could support exploration initiatives like the Artemis missions, which will return humans to the Moon for the first time since Apollo. NASA will equip Artemis astronauts with second-generation beacons for use if needed for egress from capsule after splashdown or a launch abort scenario. The Search and Rescue team is working to extend beacon services to the lunar surface with the LunaNet communications and navigation architecture.

Developing a contemporary implementation of a safety of life personal device that can be mass produced at low cost and with high reliability will create scope for Australian industry to lead international production and supply regional countries with personal beacons. Increased capacity in the overall system will enable new applications for emergency services and remote workforce. The ability to integrate contemporary consumer devices could allow Australian developers to generate new business models and identify new markets/customers.


1. Open discussions with the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) to explore the potential to advocate for the need to develop next generation search and rescue system to support adoption of Australian technology as a standard.

2. Scope and resource R&D project(s) to develop, prototype and demonstrate 3G beacon waveforms and networking protocols.

3. Support the Australian contribution to the NASA Project Artemis and the LunaNet architecture. This could lead to a highly visible Australian contribution to safety of life for all humans involved in lunar and planetary exploration under the Moon to Mars initiative.

4. Explore the potential for Modern Manufacturing Initiative support to develop advanced electronic manufacturing capabilities within Australia targeting satellite consumer devices for a global market

Ubiquitous & low-cost connectivity Sun, 09 May 2021 12:01:47 +0000


What is the potential benefits of a new class of service that provides low volume data connectivity at low cost (cost of terminal or cost of service, including IoT)?

For decades Australia has pioneered the application of bandwidth and power efficient communications towards advanced satellite communications system. Historically this leading research has resulted in commercialisation by other nations.

Space is on the cusp of a new approach to delivery of satellite communications services with a shift away from television broadcast from geo-stationary satellites towards the provision of high-speed internet services from large constellations of smaller satellites in low earth orbit.
This shift from “GEO” to “LEO” will change the dynamics of the satellite communications business and result in ubiquitous and low-cost connectivity.

Technology is also being developed to provide commodity connectivity (i.e. pervasive and low cost) for a range of new application built on the paradigm of Internet of Things.

Australian companies (both based here and listed here) are among the global leaders in this new class of service that could see the cost of short packet-based communication from anywhere in the world to centralised cloud infrastructure approach $0 dollars per message. This dramatic decline in price will fundamentally change the nature of global satellite communications away broadcast and fixed service as the main growth markets.


New market opportunities potentially exist in traditionally non-space sectors – e.g. agriculture, mining and mineral exploration, water management, energy markets, environmental management, emergency response amongst others.

The market potential for embedded low data connectivity could be speculated to approach the market volumes for embedded PNT devices. If this speculation is accurate then it is critical that this value be captured, where-ever possible, by Australian manufacturers and that Australia develop entrepreneurial and engineering skill in the downstream application of satellite IoT connectivity.


1. (TBD) to develop and deliver a space IoT awareness campaign to grow this sector. This could include innovation competitions targeted at industry, universities, research centres, maker communities etc.

2. (TBD) to ensure the Australian electronics manufacturing sector has a high awareness of the potential growth opportunity from capturing the emerging segment for low cost, embedded satellite messaging/IoT user devices.

3. (TBD) to fund studies aimed at identifying spatial sector and adjacent sector opportunities for space based IoT devices and services.

Earth Observation from space Sun, 09 May 2021 12:01:39 +0000


Virtually all of Australia’s EO capabilities are supplied by other nations or international companies. Australia’s dependence on these satellites, the data they provide and the services that they support is growing rapidly and covers a very broad range of needs, both civilian and defence. Australia has developed a world class satellite imagery analytics and applications capability but has only nascent capability in the upstream supply chain areas of satellite and sensor design, build, launch, task and control. Australia is therefore highly dependent on the rest of the world to provide for its immediate and long-term needs.


Australia currently relies on about 20-25 remote sensing satellites for its imagery and sensing needs from space. None of these are Australian owned. With the nascent but growing space start-up industry in Australia now comprising at least 80 companies and the Australia SME sector set for substantial growth there is the opportunity to facilitate a coordinated dual use (civilian – defence) approach to the strategic design and deployment of a constellation of satellites that are built up over the next decade to service the high priority, sovereign needs of Australia.

For example, what is the optimum combination of optical, Near- Infra red (NIR), mid infra-red (MIR) for fire detection and monitoring both now, based on current capabilities, and over the next decade? Continuous monitoring of fires, at operational resolutions, inter-jurisdictionally and nation-wide during catastrophic fire seasons has proven a challenge for Australia. Could this be addressed by a geo-stationary satellite with optical, NIR, MIR and hyperspectral capabilities, with sensor(s) of sufficient ground resolution and signal to noise ratios, coupled with next generation on-board and terrestrial analytics? This is but one of many examples that can be put forward to illustrate the opportunity before Australia of moving from an opportunistic user of the satellites that others choose to launch and operate to a nation of strategic, long term intent.


1. Australia to investigate the potential for a national approach to the long-term development and deployment of a constellation of satellites, and their supporting systems, to service high priority needs in both the civilian and defence sectors, including examining the role Australia could play at all stages of the space and spatial supply chain. This investigation could usefully be undertaken by a working group drawn from Defence, the Australian Space Agency, CSIRO, Geoscience Australia, SIAA, SIBA-GITA, EOA and SmartSat CRC

Space domain awareness & congestion Sun, 09 May 2021 12:01:16 +0000


Over the last sixty years, humankind has launched thousands of objects into space and in the process has created large amounts of space debris in addition to defunct and operational satellites. The space debris ranges in size from rocket bodies the size of a bus through to hundreds of thousands of objects less than 10 cm in diameter. With orbital velocities exceeding 8 km/second, the kinetic energy in even small objects is sufficient to cause catastrophic damage to satellites. The orbital debris problem exists at all satellite orbits but is exacerbated at low orbits (<1200 km) due to the vastly larger quantities of debris objects at lower orbits. The challenge that this presents is significant as many of the new space projects under development are destined for these low earth orbits. These projects include constellations of thousands of communication satellites, earth observation satellites, academic research projects and remote sensing capabilities.

Currently Australia accesses information on objects in space through military organisations and relies upon the US Department of Defense to compile this data. Australia contributes to this knowledge through a range of sensors located within Australia and is party to a multi-lateral Space Operations Centre organisation that facilitates space domain awareness. With growing commercial interests in space and rising levels of orbital congestion, Australia needs to determine whether this arrangement is suitable for the future and whether additional sensors and data management capabilities within Australia will better assure space domain awareness and our understanding of risks and hazards to our space economy due to events occurring in space (including space weather).


By virtue of its geographic span from coast to coast and southern hemisphere location, Australia is uniquely placed to make valuable contributions to global efforts to better characterise objects in space (operational satellites as well as inactive satellites and space debris).

The establishment of a network of ground-based systems including optical (narrow field of view and wide field of view) sensors and radar (active and passive) systems which are tasked by a mission control system would be of real value. The observations would be stored in a unified data lake where they would be available for object characterisation, orbit determination and conjunction analysis.

This Space Domain Awareness (SDA) system would provide situational awareness for Australian space objects, allowing operators to manoeuvre satellites to avoid collisions with other resident space objects such as uncontrolled space debris. The network of sensors could form a dual use system which would meet Australian Defence and civil space requirements (thus addressing Australian space agency goals for SDA). Australia would also be able to contribute observations to international partners to assist with global efforts to improve SDA and contribute to efforts to better manage space debris.


1. Development of a roadmap for establishment of a network of Australian based sensors for detection and characterisation of objects in space. Capability is to include orbit determination and conjunction analysis to identify objects at potential risk of collision.

2. Establishment of a network of Australian based SDA sensors. The network will be controlled by a mission system and the observations stored in a unified data lake to enable characterisation of objects, determination of orbital parameters and predictions of orbital conjunctions.

Space & spatial sector workforce – STEM Sun, 09 May 2021 11:57:04 +0000


Australia’s past educational space and spatial outcomes have been strong. Its industries, however have not been large enough to fully utilise those skills and consequently Australia has experienced a ‘brain-drain’ in this area. The current global disruption of the space and spatial industries has resulted in new skill requirements for these industries. Concurrently, in recent years, there has been a dramatic reduction in student interest in STEM academic and training programs. This is likely to result in significant workforce skill gaps in the space and spatial industries and is now the case in mid-experience level (5+ years) resources with space experience particularly for Defence projects requiring security clearances.


There is a significant opportunity for the space and spatial industries to work together with Australia’s strong educational and vocational training systems to develop long-term and sustainable growth in space and spatial educational and training outcomes to build and further enhance Australia’s space and spatial industry workforce. In doing so, there is a need to adopt a two-pronged approach to building the STEM education pipeline. Firstly, further grow the interest and natural connection of young people with space, by informing them of the importance of space to the Australian economy and their daily lives and the growing opportunities that exist for them, to future proof their careers. Secondly, they should work together with the education systems to identify the space and spatial skills requirements of the future and thus develop relevant academic and training programs to ensure that graduates find employment in Australia.


The opportunities for growth in this critical area can be realised through the following actions:

1. Identify existing STEM education programs and work to direct and amplify the space and spatial elements of these programs through the development of K-12 student and teacher resources;

2. Review and extend the current skills gap analysis project undertaken by the Australian Space Agency and SmartSatCRC to ensure that it identifies both space and spatial skills that are not currently adequately meeting industry needs; and

3. The space and spatial industries should work together with the education and training sectors to co-design curriculum as well as Work Integrated Learning (WIL) programs that will be relevant to future industry workforce requirements.

4. Higher education and vocational training providers should work with the space and spatial industries to develop a framework for space industry certification programs and opportunities for micro credentialing to increase pathways into space and spatial careers and thus accelerate workforce development.

Optimising the start-up ecosystem Sun, 09 May 2021 11:57:02 +0000


To optimise across Australia the key and complex elements that together will ensure a thriving and self-sustainable space and spatial start-up ecosystem capable of organic growth.


An agile, risk-loving and ground-breaking private sector is what drives the productivity and innovation that creates economic growth.

The process of developing, testing and scaling innovation to support a trajectory of sustainable and productive economic growth cannot be undertaken by a start-up in isolation. It requires the support of a wide range of actors across the value chain and start-up ecosystem. It is the dynamic interactions and collaboration between innovation stakeholders that underpins the constant feedback within start-up ecosystems that drives innovation to fuel the long-term cycle of productivity gains and the creation of high-value adding employment.

In the long run, the process of innovation relies on the flow of new scientific ideas, inventions and innovations. Experimentation, research and development activities are a small proportion of the broader information/knowledge economy, but they are at the heart of the complex process of innovation:


The key enablers that create value in the start-up ecosystem include research institutions, disruptive technology, entrepreneurs, investors, government, regulation, capital, skilled labour, land and existing companies.

At a seminar run by LaunchVic in June 2020 number of successful start-up entrepreneurs noted that what they were particularly looking for, in addition to capital and markets, in their local
start-up ecosystem included; a cluster of start-ups in the same precinct not necessarily from the same industry, light touch accommodation arrangements that permitted scale up or down readily with little red-tape, and ready access to public transport for ease of movement.

These key questions need to be answered for the space and spatial industries:

  • How can we grow the funnel of the start-ups per million people in Australia?
  • How can we increase the start-up success rate?
  • How can we maximise the economic value-add to Australia?
  • What impediments do we need to identify and address?
  • How do we prioritise areas of innovation for start-ups to maximise chance of success?
  • How to encourage ‘fail-fast’ as a learning process?
  • How to create more training opportunities for entrepreneurs (knowing that the people involved are a major factor in success and what VC’s look at)?
  • How to use programs like Moon-to-Mars to support start-ups with good ideas (do we try to pick winners?)?

There are a number of known impediments to the start-up ecosystem. These include; access to ready capital, availability of suitably skilled people, and a national cultural mindset that is too tentative when it comes to risk taking and too dismissive of the hard-won experience of repeated failure.


1. Poll selected members of the ecosystem for their advice against the four questions raised above. Suggested organisations for polling include: AURORA (SmartSat CRC’s formal ecosystem of around 40 start-ups), SIAA members and SIBA-GITA (successful companies have an enormous store of knowledge about their start-up period), and SIAA members (who collectively span many of the key elements of the spatial ecosystem, and probably the space ecosystem as well). This advice can then be assembled and an action plan developed.
