Public sector

Challenge Virtually all of Australia’s EO capabilities are supplied by other nations or international companies. Australia’s dependence on these satellites, the data they provide and the services that they support is growing rapidly and covers a very broad range of needs, both civilian and defence. Australia...

Challenge Space is rapidly becoming a contested domain. This raises higher levels of concern that the competition and congestion which largely arises from commercial interests. The US Defense Space Strategy released in June 2020 states “China and Russia have each weaponized space as a means to...

Challenge Over the last sixty years, humankind has launched thousands of objects into space and in the process has created large amounts of space debris in addition to defunct and operational satellites. The space debris ranges in size from rocket bodies the size of a bus...

Challenge Reliable access to space is critical to the growth of the Australian space sector – without sustainable and cost-effective avenues to launch Australian satellites the Australian space industry will be constrained. Australia needs to ensure that its companies and Government agencies have reliable and timely access...

ChallengeAustralia’s past educational space and spatial outcomes have been strong. Its industries, however have not been large enough to fully utilise those skills and consequently Australia has experienced a ‘brain-drain’ in this area. The current global disruption of the space and spatial industries has resulted...

Challenge There are a number of impediments to better coordination of government procurement practices. Five of the more important challenges are outlined below: Cabinet Government The Commonwealth, States and Territories all run versions of Cabinet Government. Ministers essentially compete for resources for the departments and agencies for which they...

Challenge The Thodey report into the Australian Public Service pointed to the need for urgent improvements so that Australia can leverage the full potential of digital systems and data analytics facilitated by suitably skilled people. This observation is particularly prescient for space and spatial. OPPORTUNITY FOR GROWTH The...

Challenge Creating and harnessing the enormous number of innovations that are set to occur in the space and spatial industries requires a national approach and a long-range view. OPPORTUNITY FOR GROWTH Australia has a large amount of space and spatial related R&D activity occurring across the publicly funded...