National Space Missions

It is important that consideration and action on these topics be viewed through the lens of one or more National Space Missions that can deliver benefits to Australia’s society, environment, economy and security for better or new applications of space and spatial systems.

With all Australian governments, national, state and territory, focussed on economic recovery from the effects of the global pandemics, there is a window of opportunity to build an argument for large scale investment in infrastructure to facilitate economic growth.

The space and spatial road mapping activity is well positioned to shape consideration of these missions and support industry groups in the development of nation building proposals that deliver critical outcomes for Australia whilst simultaneously driving industry growth and sustainable business models across these sectors.

Exemplar Missions

The following “exemplar missions” are included to stimulate thought and discussion. These are not proposed as the National Space Missions but could evolve into one or more. An outcome of the 2030 Space and Spatial Industry RoadMap development process should be to identify and develop 3-5 proposals for National Space Missions that are strongly supported by industry and are capable of being delivered largely or entirely by Australian organisations. They must fill a pressing need for Australia and create opportunities for the space and spatial industry sector growth over the medium-long term.