Towards 2030: the emerging changes

In the section about Space & Spatial and this section about related industry agendas, much is detailed around the emerging changes facing us as we move towards 2030. The questions we are inviting you to answer will be framed slightly differently for varying perspectives:

For industry

  • How will these emerging changes affect your industry and the shape of your changing marketplace?
  • How do they impact your investments, your staff and the professions that your company engages?

For SMEs

  • How will these emerging changes affect your business and the shape of your changing marketplace?
  • How do they impact your commercial potential, your supply chain, your professional networks?

For industry associations

  •  How will these emerging changes affect your professional community and your networks?

For research, science and education institutions

  • How will these emerging changes affect your sector, your work into the future?

For the public sector and defence

  • How will these emerging changes affect the security of Australia as well as our economic and societal/ environmental well-being

Have your say

You can share your feedback as an individual and/or have your say wiithin a group discussion


This national consultation process to empower and strengthen the SPACE+SPATIAL industry towards 2030 is being convened and coordinated by two of Australia’s leading hubs for industry-focused research and commercialisation:

If you are a corporate member or associate of either (or would like to look into it) please click above to discover how they might assist your company into the future.

The primary membership associations supporting this nationwide consultation are:

If you are a member with one of these please click above to discover what your association is doing and how you can be involved.

Part of another group?

If you would like to recommend or nominate another organisation to join this national consultation, please contact us here.