SPACE+SPATIAL Industry Growth Roadmap | Towards 2030 Sun, 30 May 2021 06:26:03 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 Turning environmental monitoring into management Sun, 09 May 2021 12:33:10 +0000


The current paradigm for earth observation systems involves data collection to monitor ecological/ environment systems with data analysis informing decision makers on actions that may deliver certain outcomes. Moving to a management focused approach requires access to a wider range of data with better data governance, coupled with advanced analytics/machine learning techniques for sense-making and greater use of spatial digital twins. The key is to develop phenomena-specific systems purposely designed to respond to (societal, environmental and economic) pressures to produce the highly valuable information products that end users ideally want, rather than just creating more low value data. This will enable the introduction of prognostic/ predictive capabilities supporting better, more timely decision making and intervention. It includes identifying what technology developments and investments is required to enable this evolved approach. Critical priority issues include responding to the effects of global climate change, urbanization, population growth and building a circular economy model (including reducing system wastage).

Fundamental and essential environmental information is required for citizens and communities to make decisions. One example is monitoring beach water quality which is affected by a number of factors including storm water run-off. Monitoring the water quality of vulnerable beaches improves government and community planning and decision-making processes.

To turn environmental monitoring into environmental management and help with the decision- making process, a multidisciplinary data collaboration is needed to collect and integrate diverse types of datasets from many organisations, often where data is acquired and used in silos with respect to data collection, management, analysis and dissemination. The Victorian State of the Environment 2018 Report, which is an environmental report card that measures the health of Victoria’s environment, has identified a similar trend. The Report has recommended that the Victorian government develops their spatial information capability and database to inform decision-making across the environment portfolio. Similarly, in the Australian Space Agency report on the role of space-based earth observations to support planning, response and recovery from bushfires, they have also identified the need for an easy-to-use directory of satellite imagery for use by all stakeholders including emergency management for better use of earth observation data.

Systemic integration of spatial datasets from various jurisdictions and fields will provide insights that can lead to smarter decisions and the construction of more comprehensive strategies. Advanced computing power, cloud computing and big data analytics such as artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies can demonstrate how faster and better, decision making can be done Australian Energy Market Operator CEO, Audrey Zibelman reflected on ‘‘What I have learned in Australia is how important advanced computing and the application of artificial intelligence (AI)and machine learning is to our industry to navigate to greater electrification of the economy and a diverse, decarbonised power system.’’ (AFR 1/10/20)


Identified opportunities relate to technology and while land and land use planning are traditional domains for the spatial industry, in terms of application of spatial to environmental monitoring and management, the opportunity is vast from application to bays, waterways, marine and coastal environments to air quality management and green-house gas reduction by decarbonization of the energy and transport systems for example.

  • Data governance, accountabilities and a systematic approach to data management for spatial data collection, integration, storage and ongoing management across government and portfolio agencies. Currently, there is limited accountability for data management and integration from multi-agencies and the requirement to maintain high-quality datasets that lead to enabling sophisticated analyses. Data governance should be established and clearly articulate roles and responsibilities for relevant agencies.
  • Long-term earth observation information: Various satellites have different temporal scales with varying levels of image resolutions. Integration of data from those satellites to create decades of information for various environmental themes with analytic applications such as machine learning will be highly useful for environmental management and decision-making processes. One example is Landsat Surface Reflectance statistics for land cover mapping developed by DEA. For example Victorian government use these statistics to map the dynamic changes in land cover through time in Victoria (from 1985 to present). They model land cover across Victoria, including native vegetation (herbaceous, woody and wetlands), intensive agriculture and recreation, forestry and the built environment, including urban areas. Time-series of spatial optical data have demonstrated high capacity for characterisation of environmental phenomena, describing trends as well as discrete change events.
  • Higher accuracy positioning systems: SBAS is currently in development in Australia and New Zealand and expected to be operational in 5-10 years. SBAS can improve positioning accuracy from a meter level to a centimeter level. This has very strong implications for enhancing environmental and disaster preparedness and management and protecting life and assets – environmental and physical infrastructure – as well as for industries such as forestry and quarries where accuracy is key to ensure boundary management and species protection during operations to maintain a social license to operate.
  • Measuring three-dimensional structure of Australian forests using satellite: Currently, three- dimensional mapping of forest structure has been performed by LiDAR technology using aircraft. This mapping exercise is important for forest biomass and structure monitoring, leading to enabling a solid estimation of time-series forest carbon storage from the ground. However, this is time-consuming and labor intensive. Satellites harnessed with LiDAR technology will provide a significant impact on responding to the effects of global climate change. In 2018, NASA launched two sensors into space that will play a prominent role in monitoring forest biomass and structure over the next decade: the Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) now attached to the International Space Station, and the Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2).These two satellites, which in combination provide complete coverage of the planet, are equipped with LiDAR sensors that record forest structure in 3D, contributing to an ongoing wave of large-scale forest ecosystem measurements. This technology also has the potential to monitor climate impacted environments such as coastal settlements – to manage coastal inundation and erosion due to sea level rise and storms from climate change.


1. Ongoing- and cross-agency collaboration across industry and governments is key to improving spatial information capability and datasets to inform decision-making across the environment portfolios of government/s. In addition, data governance and clearly defining accountability for data collection, storage, management and integration across agencies could provide a systematic approach to ensure high quality data capture to empower analytic methods such as artificial intelligence and machine learning.

2. It is important that end users of spatial technology are regularly informed of megatrends in spatial technologies so current information and understanding can be applied to their land and environmental monitoring, management and decision-making processes and diminish the barriers to adopting new technologies for sustainable environment management.

Diversity & Inclusion across the space & spatial communities Sun, 09 May 2021 12:29:06 +0000


The space and spatial sectors are facing a shortage of talent in Australia. In the space sector, the Australian Space Agency is responding with the goal of creating 20,000 new jobs by 2030, whereas the spatial sector has several dedicated initiatives to increase the pipeline of professionals: in the spatial sector it is estimated that by 2025, there will be a shortfall of approximately 1,300 graduate or licensed surveyors and 300 geospatial specialists with university degrees. Looking at the sector make up, the spatial sector is currently male dominated, with only one quarter of the spatial workforce being female and with significant pay gaps between men and women. More broadly, there is limited evidence of cultural diversity, indigenous employment, or people with disability in the sector. Data for the nascent Australian space sector is scarce, however envisaged to be similar to the spatial sector, as skilled space professionals emerge primarily from STEM fields.


For the space and spatial sectors to be able to sustainably grow, innovate and deliver leading and useful research in the coming years, a diverse workforce will be needed. This will include diversity of background – starting with gender – but also diversity of thinking approaches.

Peak bodies in both the space and spatial sector are strongly advocating for this change and making progress, either individually (e.g. Australian Space Agency having reached 50/50 gender balance) or in a coordinated fashion (e.g. the Space, Spatial and Surveying Diversity Leadership Network). For those efforts to be maximised and leveraged, coordination across both sectors is paramount and would result in increased benefits.


1. Establish a coordinating diversity and inclusion (D&I) group for the space, spatial and surveying sectors with the mandate to leverage, amplify and expand existing successful D&I initiatives and actions plans at sector level. The group should have representation from the peak bodies of each sector, and include a working party resourced to benchmark, monitor and report on the state of D&I in the sector on a regular basis.

Augmented-Assured-Australian (AAA) PNT Sun, 09 May 2021 12:02:02 +0000


The rapid and increasing uptake of PNT applications across multiple sectors of the Australian economy shows no sign of slowing, with PNT capabilities being integrated as an operational dependency for myriad applications, as well as critical infrastructure systems such as power utilities, financial services, mobile networks and transportation. Indeed, the augmentation of global constellations with regional systems such as SBAS has only led to greater reliance on PNT, as demonstrated by federal investment into GA’s Positioning Australia program.

Consequently, to capitalise on these demands for a PNT system which is accessible, accurate and available for all Australian sectors, a major challenge will be developing an indigenous capability that ensures PNT across the nation by improving its resilience, robustness and trustworthiness over the long-term.


The importance of GNSS PNT capability to the success of Australia’s future has been noted previously, for example in the Australian Civil Space Strategy, where it was identified as a high priority area for growth and investment, and the Australia Academy of Science’s (AAS) 2017: A vision for space science and technology in Australia.

Positioning data derived from GNSS is considered by ANZLIC as one of Australia’s fundamental data sets, and the AAS has commissioned a new working group for PNT. These all build on previous work started in 2012 to develop the Australian Strategic Plan For GNSS, which proposed a strategic direction for Australia’s PNT that would lead to significant benefits including ‘enhanced productivity, job creation, industry growth, the identification of new export markets, increased competitiveness, improved workplace safety, enhanced national security, strengthened international linkages and a dynamic R&D sector’.

Accordingly, the 2012 Strategic Plan set-out four strategic initiatives:

(1) Ensure leadership for the Australian GNSS community;

(2) Adopt a whole-of-nation approach to a sustainable, multi-GNSS-enabled positioning infrastructure;

(3) Mitigate vulnerabilities in existing and future GNSS infrastructure; and

(4) Capitalise on Australia’s unique geopolitical and geographic advantages.

While there has been significant progress within Australia since 2021 towards achieving these four objectives, there is still considerable opportunity from harnessing the future economic, social and environmental impacts of PNT, especially given the evolution of PNT applications, advances in GNSS constellations and their visibility across Australia, therefore it is felt that the time is right to renew the Strategic Plan.

Innovating new capabilities

  • Developing a sovereign capability to monitor and assess both the state of error sources affecting GNSS (as will be realised through the Positioning Australia program) and its inherent integrity is critical not only for positioning and navigation but also for the multitude of applications requiring the timing component currently supplied by GNSS.
  • Delivering novel GNSS products that further contribute to our understanding of the dynamic atmosphere for weather forecasting, climatological studies, and the behaviour of the ionosphere and space weather. These products, such as GNSS derived models of atmospheric density, could afford greater resilience to our sovereign PNT capabilities. Additionally, the dynamic impacts of atmospheric effects on PNT are also experienced by other sectors within the growth pillars (Earth Observation, Satellite Communications and Space Domain Awareness (SDA)), so clear collaborative partnerships and knowledge exchange pathways are required to ensure that findings are benefitted across all industry sectors.
  • Developing products and services essential for ensuring assured GNSS information for mission-critical and safety-critical PNT applications such as automated industrial machines, robotics, driverless vehicles, aircraft and infrastructure dependent on timing. Inventing, developing and delivering Australia-specific critical PNT integrity messages especially ones pertaining to high accuracy PNT services (such as RTK and PPP), could later become an industry-leading innovation to export regionally and globally further raising Australia’s PNT reputation.

Improving infrastructure, mitigating vulnerabilities and assuring access

  • Development of assured PNT capabilities for Australia – meaning one that is suitably protected and secured (with authentication and possibly encryption) – to deliver the required PNT performances under adverse conditions. Assured PNT impacts all aspects of space (both downward and outward looking), and the growing spatial sector.
  • Cultivating resilience across our PNT capabilities to better protect against both unintentional and purposeful interference and spoofing across all segments, including but not limited to known incidents such as solar flares, cybersecurity breaches, erroneous almanac uploads and unlikely ‘black swan’ events.
  • Design and implementation of sub-metre (and even decimetre-level) accuracy GNSS systems based on low-cost mass-market GNSS receivers, enhanced via emerging terrestrial 5G telecommunications infrastructure delivering augmentation information for enhanced accuracy and integrity. Ideally, these GNSS products would be developed locally and be fully compatible with Australian PNT information and services.
  • Developing and facilitating the integration of space-borne GNSS receivers aboard Australian satellites to support more applications of small satellites for communications, earth observation and PNT, and even on missions beyond Earth orbit, for so-called space service volume navigation.
  •  Augmenting the GNSS space segment, for example using select LEO satellites equipped with appropriate payloads, could provide increased availability of the more advanced PNT techniques (RTK, network RTK, SSR and PPP-RTK). Indeed the provision of sovereign PNT integrity messages (determined for Australia by Australia) transmitted by Australian space infrastructure, must be complemented by simultaneous transmission through secondary terrestrial communications as a robust delivery method.
  • Collaborating across federal and state governments to incorporate PNT infrastructure (terrestrial and orbital) and generated services (corrections, integrity, interference) within the Critical Infrastructure Network as part of an ongoing Risk Assessment and Mitigation program.
  • Develop real-time capability to detect, measure, geolocate and ultimately mitigate sources of interference and spoofing to GNSS across Australia and realise it as a ‘Nationwide GNSS Interference Monitoring Infrastructure’. Such an infrastructure could be hosted and coordinated between federal government and Defence, and report incidents of interference alongside ongoing integrity messages to the wider community, further facilitating the adoption and trust in PNT for Australia, by Australians.
  • The successful augmentation of current GNSS with alternate (non-GNSS) PNT coming from emerging technologies promises even greater levels of resilience, robustness and trust around assured PNT for space and spatial sectors.


Several fundamental activities such as SBAS and NPIC are already progressing under GA’s leadership of their Positioning Australia program; by leveraging these deliverables, opportunities exist for significant growth across industries and international borders, with several having potential global outreach/impact.

To capitalise on the numerous opportunities that PNT holds for Australia, a number of governance and policy recommendations are made to facilitate engagement and ensure adoption.

1. Developing an updated ‘GNSS Strategic Plan for Promoting Enhanced PNT Capabilities across Australia’ detailing industry strategy and aligned incentive mechanisms to facilitate development of high-tech GNSS-related products, services and workforce by local companies and organisations, which endeavour to adopt the new PNT capabilities that will become available across the nation. Leadership of this strategy development will require disciplined coordination across government, Defence, industry and education.

2. Forming a multi-industry group being responsible for monitoring, marketing and evangelising all strategic PNT plans developed and in action across Australia, and providing guidance where necessary, to provide consistency, ensure clarity and eliminate duplication through effective collaboration. Ideally, this could take the form of a ‘Strategic Coordination & Engagement Group’ or ‘Task Force’ comprising federal, academic and industry representatives, would be mandated to the new GNSS Strategic Plan, and be an official first point of contact for both Australian and international queries around the PNT innovations.

3. Sustained long-term investing in training and education, as well as research and innovation, to ensure that our industry sectors and workforce possess the capacity, competency and empowerment to take advantage of the opportunities offered by an assured, resilient and augmented PNT across Australia.

4. Mobilise the PNT ecosystem by boosting investments in the research, development, and commercialisation pathways for local companies and industry to create novel high-tech PNT products & services which complement and augment GNSS (connecting upstream space segments with the big primes through SBAS for example, with the downstream markets), ultimately creating new sectors and jobs. These innovations include new quantum sensors, terrestrial positioning systems, vision and imaging sensors, signals-of-opportunity, chip-scale atomic clocks, inertial measurement units and others, along with the sensor fusion engines required to successfully integrate all these measurements together with existing PNT. Mechanisms should also be created to leverage Defence’s funding, IP and developments around assured and resilient PNT, into the civilian consumer marketplace through appropriate fast-track commercialisation pathways. New service industries utilising PNT should be fostered and encouraged to promote nationally and export internationally.

5. Encouraging international collaboration with key partners on prospective plans for new PNT capabilities – both space- and ground-based. Strengthen Australia’s capability to understand, analyse and leverage strategic advantages and opportunities of partnering on emerging technologies.

Earth Observation from space Sun, 09 May 2021 12:01:39 +0000


Virtually all of Australia’s EO capabilities are supplied by other nations or international companies. Australia’s dependence on these satellites, the data they provide and the services that they support is growing rapidly and covers a very broad range of needs, both civilian and defence. Australia has developed a world class satellite imagery analytics and applications capability but has only nascent capability in the upstream supply chain areas of satellite and sensor design, build, launch, task and control. Australia is therefore highly dependent on the rest of the world to provide for its immediate and long-term needs.


Australia currently relies on about 20-25 remote sensing satellites for its imagery and sensing needs from space. None of these are Australian owned. With the nascent but growing space start-up industry in Australia now comprising at least 80 companies and the Australia SME sector set for substantial growth there is the opportunity to facilitate a coordinated dual use (civilian – defence) approach to the strategic design and deployment of a constellation of satellites that are built up over the next decade to service the high priority, sovereign needs of Australia.

For example, what is the optimum combination of optical, Near- Infra red (NIR), mid infra-red (MIR) for fire detection and monitoring both now, based on current capabilities, and over the next decade? Continuous monitoring of fires, at operational resolutions, inter-jurisdictionally and nation-wide during catastrophic fire seasons has proven a challenge for Australia. Could this be addressed by a geo-stationary satellite with optical, NIR, MIR and hyperspectral capabilities, with sensor(s) of sufficient ground resolution and signal to noise ratios, coupled with next generation on-board and terrestrial analytics? This is but one of many examples that can be put forward to illustrate the opportunity before Australia of moving from an opportunistic user of the satellites that others choose to launch and operate to a nation of strategic, long term intent.


1. Australia to investigate the potential for a national approach to the long-term development and deployment of a constellation of satellites, and their supporting systems, to service high priority needs in both the civilian and defence sectors, including examining the role Australia could play at all stages of the space and spatial supply chain. This investigation could usefully be undertaken by a working group drawn from Defence, the Australian Space Agency, CSIRO, Geoscience Australia, SIAA, SIBA-GITA, EOA and SmartSat CRC

Launch & access to space Sun, 09 May 2021 12:01:09 +0000


Reliable access to space is critical to the growth of the Australian space sector –
without sustainable and cost-effective avenues to launch Australian satellites the Australian space industry will be constrained. Australia needs to ensure that its companies and Government agencies have reliable and timely access to launch capability serving all orbits and launch inclinations to maximise the growth of the Australian space sector and to ensure the ability to maintain critical space-based services.

Historically across the globe launch vehicle manufacture and launch operations were a state controlled or state-funded activity with commercial payloads seeking opportunities from operators primarily serving the government market. Commercial services for non-state satellite operators were constrained by the capability (launch mass and orbital characteristics) and cost effectiveness of launch vehicles designed for government missions and their ability to get on the launch manifest. This is changing with the emergence of privately-owned commercial operators such as SpaceX, RocketLab and Blue Origin developing launch services to serve the commercial market. In spite of this trend towards commercial launch activities (even NASA now uses commercial services for human spaceflight) governments remain the largest purchaser of launch services by number of launches even though commercial satellites now outnumber government satellites due to the proliferation of large commercial satellite constellations (SpaceX has launched 829 operational Starlink satellites between May 2019 and October 2020).

The growth of the commercial launch market has expanded the range of launch operators and new innovations (such as first stage reusability) have reduced the cost to orbit. However, launch remains a potential bottleneck for the Australian satellite industry particularly at the small satellite end of the market (smallsats, cubesats) comprising most current Australian satellite activities.

The improvements achieved by the launch industry do not necessarily scale directly to the small satellite market. Launch is typically the second largest cost in a large satellite program (after the cost of the satellite) but a dedicated launch can exceed the satellite build costs for a small satellite. Cheaper ride-share (shared launches) opportunities are available for small satellites but limit the orbit and the launch timeline to that of the primary payload. Satisfying the Australian regulatory requirements can also be a major issue for ride-share satellites which have little say in the key decisions regarding the launch.

In spite of the growing commercial launch industry the dual-use nature of rocket technology (ability to also be used as weapons) and the importance of space from a national security perspective continues to impact launch availability. In recent years China has emerged as the world leader in number of launches conducted per year yet Australian satellite operators are largely denied access to these launch vehicles due to a US ban on US parts and systems being launched from China. The recent tensions between Russia and Ukraine have effectively removed the highly effective Sea Launch program and Zenit-3 launch vehicle from the market.

The launch market is susceptible to geopolitical forces which can lead to being bumped from a launch manifest to accommodate a military launch to denial of access to certain parts of the launch market. Australia needs to determine whether the current level of reliance on international organisations for launch meets our future needs including our sovereign needs for access to space.


The launch market is dynamic with continual efforts to improve access to space with more reliable and cost-effective launch capability. A key target is the small satellite market where a race to develop cost effective access to space is underway including by Australian companies.

Geography is a key factor for launch sites with proximity to the equator and ability to safely launch over open water or unpopulated areas to all launch azimuths from 0 to 98 degrees while minimising overflight of neighbouring countries. Australia is among the few nations that has this capability and is a good location for launch and testing of new vehicles. Australian companies are currently developing launch sites to capitalise on these advantages.

Another emerging opportunity is space tourism and point-to-point travel. Australia is well positioned to become the space tourism hub for Asia and be involved in the development of sub-orbital point-to-point travel, first for fast package delivery and subsequently for human travel around the globe in less than 90 minutes. SpaceX is well advanced with this concept with Australia considered a key initial location and the US military is now evaluating this as means of rapid supply and potentially troop movements globally. No country will benefit more from rapid intercontinental travel than Australia.

Finally, the US plans to return to the Moon, the goal being to harvest and transport space materials as well as the desire to reposition satellites to specific orbits are driving developments of orbital transport systems to move objects to and from LEO to MEO and GEO orbits, beyond GEO, Cis-lunar, Trans-lunar, the Lagrange Points and others. This includes the ability for subsystem recovery/re-use, space vehicle servicing, orbital transfer, orbital debris collection, and replenishment of consumables and expendables on spacecraft that cannot be recovered back to Earth (e.g., spacecraft inspection/servicing, refuelling, hardware maintenance, and technology upgrades) as well as on orbit assembly and sustainment of spacecraft. Australian companies are among many that are actively involved in these developments.


Access to space is such a critical component for the growth of the Australian space sector that the Australian space community and Australian Government should take active measures to ensure that Australia has reliable access to space.

Actions could include:

2. Ensuring that the licensing regime for launching Australian payloads overseas is as streamlined as possible. The new Rules are an improvement and there is further scope to pre-qualify specific launch sites/launch vehicles which would greatly expedite the licensing process.

3. Ensuring that the licensing regime for domestic launch is no more onerous to Australian launch providers than that faced by their international competitors. The current system requires Australian launch operators to pay for safety analyses that are conducted by the government in other jurisdictions (US, NZ, Japan, China, Russia). These analyses are necessary and similar for both large and small launch vehicles but become a significant fraction of the total cost for small vehicles launching the smaller payloads which is the market entry point for Australian launch providers. These costs represent a significant hurdle for Australian competitors in this competitively priced market.

4. Ensuring that the Australian launch regulatory system is reviewed often to ensure that it is as streamlined as possible (while protecting public safety) and capable of supporting emerging technology. Australia could consider enacting legislation that enables human spaceflight from Australia to position itself to become the space tourism hub for the Asia Pacific and able to be involved in the development of suborbital point-to-point transportation.

5. Supporting the Australian launch providers by purchasing Australian rather than overseas launches wherever practicable. Historically national government support as a major customer/ supporter has been a key factor in the success of most commercial launch suppliers.

6. Undertaking a detailed review of the importance and criticality of sovereign space launch capability. Is Australia’s current reliance on the commercial launch market to supply its access to space sufficiently robust to ensure that Australia can launch its national security, weather & environmental monitoring, positioning and commercial satellites when it needs to? Can Australia withstand potential disruptions to the commercial launch market from geopolitical events (including bans on launching from certain countries), launch vehicle stand-down due to failure, supply chain disruptions and delays (including from pandemic health issues) and market saturation which prevents timely placement on a launch manifest?

Digital engineering for space Sun, 09 May 2021 12:01:02 +0000


Spacecraft launched to space require remote operation by their very nature. Simulation tools have been developed widely across the world over the past 50 years. These simulation tools can vary greatly and can present a computer aided design (CAD) of the spacecraft, simulated satellite models used for thermal and structural analyses through to operations simulation tools. Many different tools are also used to monitor and operate spacecraft on a daily basis, including simulation tools where manoeuvres and other events can be simulated prior to performing these activities on the assets themselves. Many of these simulation tools are very well developed and suitable for specific applications, however many are not well integrated (although some may not benefit from such an integration).

Australia is currently producing a small number of satellites, typically CubeSats, which are bespoke. Developing sophisticated and/or integrated simulation tools for a small number of bespoke satellites, where typical contract values are small (in comparison to the global sector) and customers do not yet see the value, is difficult.


Many simulation tools, such as “spacecraft digital twins” are starting to be developed by large organisations where they see value in these activities (e.g. constellations like OneWeb have developed a satellite digital twin, large satellite manufacturers have developed more sophisticated tools to aid in integration activities and NASA is performing research in the area).

Increased simulation tools to support activities such as on-ground integration and testing and on-orbit testing and the integration of the various existing simulation tools may provide value to Australia’s space sector as it grows and more satellites are manufactured here.

These simulation tools may also be useful to support other space activities.


1. Research bodies and academia to investigate the value of “digital twins” within the space sector, when applicable with a priority given to bespoke manufacture of smaller satellites and its componentry, in conjunction with industry, with the investigation to be coordinated by SIAA, SIBA-GITA, FrontierSI and SmartSat CRC.

Space manufacturing in Australia Sun, 09 May 2021 12:00:36 +0000


Australia’s capacity to manufacture critical elements of space systems is increasing but from a much lower base than countries with equivalent economies. Key issues for consideration include the focal areas for growth including sovereign capability, the balance of sourcing from domestic markets and international markets, the right size for Australia’s space manufacturing and testing capability, and answering the question of how to sustain this capability in a globally competitive and often distorted market? Other countries use offsets to “protect” national capabilities, but Australia moved away from that policy some time ago. What mechanisms can be brought to bear to ensure Australian manufacturers can compete in international markets? Should a level of Australian content be mandated?

Manufacturing in Australia has been in decline for many years. However, it nose-dived with the collapse of the motor vehicle manufacturing industry in the last decade. In the context of the 2020 Commonwealth Budget a $1.5 billion fund was announced to kickstart manufacturing in Australia focused on six key sectors judged by Government to be areas of advantage or having potential for growth in new and emerging areas. One of these key sectors is space.

There are many challenges facing the overall manufacturing sector in Australia. However, the space and spatial sectors face some specific issues, discussed below.


  • Shortages of skilled and experienced staff;
  • An age profile that is skewed to the young and the old, with a thin band of people in the 35-55 years age bracket;
  • Women are grossly under-represented, although several space and spatial industry leaders are women;
  • Indigenous people and other ethnic minorities are also under-represented.


Universities shoulder a disproportionate proportion of the space sector workload. They also struggle to attract students in sufficient numbers into the disciplines associated with remote sensing. The extent to which the universities will be able to continue to shoulder this load is problematic, given the recent collapse in revenues to the sector and the severe belt-tightening occurring across the sector.

Much of Australia’s space and spatial workforce is employed in government funded organisations, notably CSIRO, DST Group, BoM and GA.

Most private companies operating in the space and spatial sectors are SMEs and start-ups. Many of the start-ups are built around a technology that has been developed by the business owner. The small size of these companies, almost by definition, can limit the formality of many processes that governments and larger businesses sometimes insist upon.

These include, but are not limited to:

  • governance arrangements,
  • adoption of and adherence to specific quality and other standards,
  • cyber awareness and cyber security,
  • business continuity and disaster recovery plans,
  • IP protection policies,
  • succession planning,
  • business development and marketing strategies and capabilities.

Research and Innovation

When compared to nations of comparable size and wealth, Australia spends relatively little on research and development across the board. Successive governments have taken a view that if a company needs to invest in R&D to capitalise on a market opportunity, it will find the resources to do so. In recent months, R&D tax concessions policy has been overhauled,
but the new model continues to attract more criticism than support from companies.

Export Potential

High wages, a relatively strong dollar and Australia’s distance from markets in which its manufactured goods may be competitive combine to make the export of goods that are made in Australia difficult to sell overseas at competitive prices.


Three opportunities for growth are identified:

  • Investment in sovereign capabilities. The Commonwealth Government has kick started the process with the $1.5 billion announced for manufacturing in the October 2020 Budget, however, more detail will be required to determine how the selected industries can be made more sustainable over time.
  • Better informed users, leading to increased domestic sales.
  • Increased exports – the many challenges already identified, notwithstanding.


1. Companies redouble their efforts to seek grant funding to improve their businesses, making them more competitive in domestic and international markets.

2. That industry associations encourage space and spatial companies to take full advantage of the services offered by the Centre for Defence Industry Capability (CDIC) and other industry grants programs within the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources and in from the States and Territories.

3. That industry associations encourage and assist Australia’s space and spatial companies to adopt a mindset of uncompromising quality, as a hallmark of Australian manufacturing – using Australian involvement in the JSF program as a model.

4. That industry associations devise ways and means to provide their SME and start-up members with affordable business skilling programs, as opposed to technical advice, in business development, marketing, IP protection, business strategy and planning.

5. That industry associations work together to improve and extend the programs that will emerge as a result of the Government’s commitment to spend $1.5 billon on delivery of the Modern Manufacturing Strategy over the next few years.

Space & spatial sector workforce – STEM Sun, 09 May 2021 11:57:04 +0000


Australia’s past educational space and spatial outcomes have been strong. Its industries, however have not been large enough to fully utilise those skills and consequently Australia has experienced a ‘brain-drain’ in this area. The current global disruption of the space and spatial industries has resulted in new skill requirements for these industries. Concurrently, in recent years, there has been a dramatic reduction in student interest in STEM academic and training programs. This is likely to result in significant workforce skill gaps in the space and spatial industries and is now the case in mid-experience level (5+ years) resources with space experience particularly for Defence projects requiring security clearances.


There is a significant opportunity for the space and spatial industries to work together with Australia’s strong educational and vocational training systems to develop long-term and sustainable growth in space and spatial educational and training outcomes to build and further enhance Australia’s space and spatial industry workforce. In doing so, there is a need to adopt a two-pronged approach to building the STEM education pipeline. Firstly, further grow the interest and natural connection of young people with space, by informing them of the importance of space to the Australian economy and their daily lives and the growing opportunities that exist for them, to future proof their careers. Secondly, they should work together with the education systems to identify the space and spatial skills requirements of the future and thus develop relevant academic and training programs to ensure that graduates find employment in Australia.


The opportunities for growth in this critical area can be realised through the following actions:

1. Identify existing STEM education programs and work to direct and amplify the space and spatial elements of these programs through the development of K-12 student and teacher resources;

2. Review and extend the current skills gap analysis project undertaken by the Australian Space Agency and SmartSatCRC to ensure that it identifies both space and spatial skills that are not currently adequately meeting industry needs; and

3. The space and spatial industries should work together with the education and training sectors to co-design curriculum as well as Work Integrated Learning (WIL) programs that will be relevant to future industry workforce requirements.

4. Higher education and vocational training providers should work with the space and spatial industries to develop a framework for space industry certification programs and opportunities for micro credentialing to increase pathways into space and spatial careers and thus accelerate workforce development.

Space & spatial enablement of the Public Service Sun, 09 May 2021 11:56:59 +0000


The Thodey report into the Australian Public Service pointed to the need for urgent improvements so that Australia can leverage the full potential of digital systems and data analytics facilitated by suitably skilled people. This observation is particularly prescient for space and spatial.


The understanding of space and spatial, their science and critical industries, and the fundamental role they will play in our future is critically lacking as a general capability in the civilian arms of the public sector (with some exceptions including the Australian Space Agency, GA, and the operational arms of the spatial areas in State and Territory agencies). The Thodey review recommends an ambitious transformation program that is owned by APS leaders, with measurable targets to track progress and ensure a major capability rebuild. It is crucial that space and spatial be included explicitly in this transformation program.


1. Develop and implement a space and spatial awareness program for public service at all layers of government aimed at enhanced understanding of policy, technological and regulatory implications of space and spatial systems and services across Australia’s society and economy as a formal part of the implementation of the Thodey review.

2. The development of case studies of existing best practice would inform the awareness program.

A dedicated R&D section within the SSIRoadmap Sun, 09 May 2021 11:56:57 +0000


Creating and harnessing the enormous number of innovations that are set to occur in the space and spatial industries requires a national approach and a long-range view.


Australia has a large amount of space and spatial related R&D activity occurring across the publicly funded research sector and in the hundreds of Australian SME’s. This research activity is fragmented, lacks critical mass and prior to the recent development of SmartSat CRC, lacks focus against an over-arching conception of where the nation needs to be in a decade’s time and beyond.

For space and spatial innovation to lead to successful and enduring outcomes of national and international significance decadal plans need to be laid and a coordinated approach articulated and agreed to by the key contributors.

SmartSat CRC has identified a series of technologies as priorities for its collaborative research in a roadmap. Whilst this roadmap has been set up to serve the needs of the SmartSat CRC’s 100 partners and has been designed to serve both the ASA’s priorities and those of Defence, it represents only part of the national R&D requirements. Other important parts are provided by CSIRO, Defence (primarily through DST), universities, government agencies (e.g. GA) and companies. Which areas of R&D represent the highest priority for Australia? Are they sufficiently resourced at present? Candidate priority areas include quantum key distribution, PNT and its convergence with communications, digital engineering (building on BIM’s), Digital Twins, spatial knowledge infrastructure, and optical/hybrid RF communications amongst others.


1. Develop an R&D component of the RoadMap for the space and spatial industries that sets out the national challenges, the priority areas for investment, and the mechanisms by which the private sector and the publicly funded research sector can best cooperate to optimise the innovation pipeline.

2. The RoadMap could usefully include a statement on the R&D infrastructure that could be developed for use by all interested organisations.
