Ubiquitous & low-cost connectivity


What is the potential benefits of a new class of service that provides low volume data connectivity at low cost (cost of terminal or cost of service, including IoT)?

For decades Australia has pioneered the application of bandwidth and power efficient communications towards advanced satellite communications system. Historically this leading research has resulted in commercialisation by other nations.

Space is on the cusp of a new approach to delivery of satellite communications services with a shift away from television broadcast from geo-stationary satellites towards the provision of high-speed internet services from large constellations of smaller satellites in low earth orbit.
This shift from “GEO” to “LEO” will change the dynamics of the satellite communications business and result in ubiquitous and low-cost connectivity.

Technology is also being developed to provide commodity connectivity (i.e. pervasive and low cost) for a range of new application built on the paradigm of Internet of Things.

Australian companies (both based here and listed here) are among the global leaders in this new class of service that could see the cost of short packet-based communication from anywhere in the world to centralised cloud infrastructure approach $0 dollars per message. This dramatic decline in price will fundamentally change the nature of global satellite communications away broadcast and fixed service as the main growth markets.


New market opportunities potentially exist in traditionally non-space sectors – e.g. agriculture, mining and mineral exploration, water management, energy markets, environmental management, emergency response amongst others.

The market potential for embedded low data connectivity could be speculated to approach the market volumes for embedded PNT devices. If this speculation is accurate then it is critical that this value be captured, where-ever possible, by Australian manufacturers and that Australia develop entrepreneurial and engineering skill in the downstream application of satellite IoT connectivity.


1. (TBD) to develop and deliver a space IoT awareness campaign to grow this sector. This could include innovation competitions targeted at industry, universities, research centres, maker communities etc.

2. (TBD) to ensure the Australian electronics manufacturing sector has a high awareness of the potential growth opportunity from capturing the emerging segment for low cost, embedded satellite messaging/IoT user devices.

3. (TBD) to fund studies aimed at identifying spatial sector and adjacent sector opportunities for space based IoT devices and services.