Space & spatial enablement of the Public Service


The Thodey report into the Australian Public Service pointed to the need for urgent improvements so that Australia can leverage the full potential of digital systems and data analytics facilitated by suitably skilled people. This observation is particularly prescient for space and spatial.


The understanding of space and spatial, their science and critical industries, and the fundamental role they will play in our future is critically lacking as a general capability in the civilian arms of the public sector (with some exceptions including the Australian Space Agency, GA, and the operational arms of the spatial areas in State and Territory agencies). The Thodey review recommends an ambitious transformation program that is owned by APS leaders, with measurable targets to track progress and ensure a major capability rebuild. It is crucial that space and spatial be included explicitly in this transformation program.


1. Develop and implement a space and spatial awareness program for public service at all layers of government aimed at enhanced understanding of policy, technological and regulatory implications of space and spatial systems and services across Australia’s society and economy as a formal part of the implementation of the Thodey review.

2. The development of case studies of existing best practice would inform the awareness program.